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Dentures Scarborough and East York

Eastside Family Dentistry

What are Dentures?

Dentures are custom-made prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth and the tissues surrounding them. These removable replacements help restore both the functionality and aesthetics of your smile. We provide both complete and partial dentures, as well as implant overdentures to cater to your unique dental requirements.

Signs You May Need Dentures

Missing or Damaged Teeth

If you have lost several teeth or many of your teeth are damaged, dentures can be an effective solution to restore your smile.

Challenges with Eating

 Experiencing difficulties while chewing or biting might suggest that dentures could help you.

Changes in Facial Structure

A sunken appearance of the face due to missing teeth can be addressed with dentures.

Speech Difficulties

If the absence of teeth is affecting your ability to speak clearly, it could be time to consider dentures.

Who Might Benefit from Dentures?

Dentures are typically advised for individuals who have lost some or all of their teeth due to injury, decay, or disease. If you find difficulty in eating or speaking, or if your face appears sunken because of missing teeth, it might be time to explore the option of dentures.

Why Opt for Eastside Family Dentistry in Scarborough?

Understanding that dentures are a highly personal health accessory, Eastside Family Dentistry in Scarborough ensures that each set is tailor-made. Our experienced team employs state-of-the-art technology and the latest proven methods to create dentures that are not only comfortable but also functionally superior.

  • We craft dentures tailored for optimal comfort and functionality.
  • Your experience is our priority, from the moment you schedule your appointment through your recovery.
  • We employ advanced techniques and the newest technology to deliver the highest quality dentures.

Care and Maintenance

Proper care of dentures is essential; this includes daily cleaning and correct storage when not in use. Regular dental visits are important to maintain proper fit and condition of the dentures. 

At Eastside Family Dentistry we understand that undergoing a dental procedure can be nerve-wracking. That’s why we want to ensure that our patients are fully informed about what to expect during the dentures process. On average, it takes several weeks to adjust to new dentures, and there may be some initial discomfort. Our team will work closely with you to manage any pain and ensure a smooth recovery process. With patient satisfaction at our core, we strive to provide each patient with a positive experience.

The Risks of Untreated Tooth Loss

If you are experiencing tooth loss, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Leaving missing teeth untreated can lead to a range of oral health issues, including:

  • Shifting teeth
  • Bone loss
  • Difficulty eating and speaking
  • Jaw pain

Dentures vs Implants

Dentures and dental implants are both effective solutions for replacing missing teeth, but they have distinct advantages and disadvantages that may influence a person’s choice depending on their needs, health condition, and budget.

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Pros of Complete and partial Dentures

  • Dentures are generally less expensive than implant crowns or implant bridges, making them a more budget-friendly option for many people.
    Getting complete or partial dentures does not require surgery, which can be beneficial for those who are unable or unwilling to undergo surgical procedures.
    Complete or partial dentures can be manufactured and fitted in a shorter amount of time compared to the process for dental implant crown or bridges, offering a quicker solution to missing teeth.
    As a person’s mouth changes with age, dentures can be adjusted to maintain a proper fit.
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Pros of Implant Crowns or Bridges

  • Implants provide a secure, stable foundation for artificial teeth that feel and function much like natural teeth.
  • ‘Implants help preserve the jawbone and prevent bone loss by providing stimulation similar to that of natural tooth roots.
  • Dental implants can last a very long time with proper care, making them a potentially more permanent solution.
  • Unlike certain types of bridges, implant crowns and bridges do not require altering the adjacent teeth, preserving more of a person’s natural tooth structure.
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Cons of Complete or Partial Dentures

  • Dentures can feel less natural and stable in the mouth compared to implants, which can affect comfort and confidence.
  • They require regular maintenance, including nightly removal and cleaning, and they can wear out, needing replacement every 5 to 8 years.
  • Over time, dentures can lead to bone loss in the jaw because they do not stimulate the bone like natural tooth roots.
  • Some people with dentures may find it difficult to eat certain hard or sticky foods.
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Cons of Implant Crown and Bridges

  • The initial cost of implants is higher than that of complete or partial dentures, and they may not always be covered by insurance.
  • Implant placement involves surgery, which carries typical surgical risks and requires a healing period.
  • The entire process from implant surgery to final tooth placement can take several months and up to a year as the implant must integrate with the jawbone.
  • Not everyone is a candidate for implants; individuals with certain health conditions,  insufficient bone  or smokers may not be able to have implant surgery.

Implant Overdentures

Implant overdentures offer a more comfortable, healthy, and durable alternative to traditional dentures. These implants keep the denture securely in place, allowing patients to converse confidently, engage in normal social interactions, and enjoy a diverse diet for optimal nutritional health.

Overdentures supported by implants can replace a full set of upper or lower teeth without the need for adhesives. Instead, they rely on implants that act as anchors. The overdentures snap onto these implants, holding them securely throughout the day without the risk of shifting. Additionally, implants promote bone growth and prevent the bone loss common with traditional dentures. The extra support provided by overdentures also results in a greater biting force compared to traditional dentures, allowing you to enjoy crunchy foods like apples that you might otherwise avoid.

To use overdentures, the posts serve as snap-in locations. Typically, you will need at least four implants on the top jaw and two on the bottom jaw (or more) to provide adequate support for the snap-in dentures.

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